Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Abuse And Why I Won't Be Sleeping Tonight

A view a few days ago has surfaced on the Internet of a 16 year old girl being mericiliously beaten by her father and mother over downloading some video games that were no longer for sale and music that was no longer in print. The video is from 2004. The victim of the video is the new 23 year old Hilary Adams. Daughter to Arkansas County Family Judge William Adams.

William Adams has had a long history of lackluster sentencing in cases involving child abuse. Many cases being outright dismissed due to lack of video evidence of the incident.

Hilary Adams is affected with Ataxic Cerebral Paulsey. A form of Paulsey that affects motor skills and has a mental affect of drawing the sufferer into technological pursuits.

I'm going to link you to the video now. The video shows "His Honor" and his mentally abused and brainwashed wife beating their daughter for seven and a half minutes with a belt, long after she was crying and screaming for it to stop. Please be aware, it is graphic and highly disturbing.

I came across this video about an hour ago. As in November 2nd, 2011 at around 7PM MDT. Since watching it, I've been overcome with such grief and despair. Growing up in an abusive household myself, seeing something so horrific and life destroying from another's perspective has just shattered my emotions.

While not personally receiving any of the physical abuse, my Mother was the one that did. She got hit and knocked over, pushed through tables, thrown through doors, thrown down stairs and so many other horrible things that I can't help but remember. Many of those beatings she took because her husband was mad at me. Because of some failing he believed I had and my poor Mother was the one that took the beatings so I didn't have to. To this day, I still have no idea why that "man" never did anything to me physically. Perhaps lording his control and power over his wife was enough for his pathetic mind to make him happy.

The long, nearly countless nights I had to lie awake in bed, through paper thin walls listening to that drunken man croon on and on about how worthless my Mother and I were. Telling me I was a waste of skin, saying they'd both be better off if I was never born. So many terrible things.

The man in this video is a Judge of 10 years of the court of law in Texas, presiding over cases of family; including child abuse. I'm scared to death that all his law buddies will pad and pander around every corner possible and this man will get nothing more than a suspension with pay.

Any people that abuse their children or their significant others, you don't deserve to breathe my air. I hope you all get hit by a bus and live, suffering in a hospital bed for the end of your days. You have no idea how much beatings and mental abuse hurt someone. You don't deserve to be called human or even an animal. Even the more ferocious animals don't act in such disgusting ways. If you've ever hit your child like this, do us all a favor and step off a tall building and rid the world of virus' like you.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you went through that and are having a hard time now after seeing this video. I understand how you feel. I grew up with a mother who was severely abusing alcohol and I was the only person in the house to take out her anger and frustrations on. While there was some physical it was more often verbal and emotional. It truly does leave life long scars and unfortunately usually continues on to the next generation as well. It's a very hard thing to pull yourself up out of abuse to never again either take abuse or deliever it to someone else. *hugs*
