Monday, December 26, 2011

Doctor Who: Bitching About Rory Again

Casey: God damn that Silence shit is sooo fucking cool.

Casey: On a side note...Rory is an even bigger twat than I originally gave him credit for.

Casey: When he vowed to guard Amy...I think that's exactly what he did. I think that's all he did. I think that fucking dope just sat around in a chair for 2,000 years staring at the wall. Know why? Because I think that's the most his brain is actually capable of doing. He has no ability for critical thought. "Derp derp stare at the wall and pretty red head will let me touch her boobies again derpyity derp....."

Casey: You'd think he'd peek his head outside once in awhile. Just to..say hi to someone. Maybe, check the weather, maybe read a newspaper. Naw, his days probably consisted of, throw rock against wall, go fetch rock, throw rock against wall, break rock, go find rock, throw rock against wall, get rock, throw rock against wall....

Cathy: Hahahah! That was the best message I've ever come back to

Casey: Heh.

Cathy: Thanks for them

Cathy: *that

Casey: My pleasure...or...torture depending on how you look at it.

Cathy: That first one

Casey: I think I'm going to submit an episode to the writers.

Casey: Blah fictiony stuff....

Casey: TARDIS gets too close to the sun, just barely being pulled in. They need to ditch some weight...about...I'd say 170 pounds of it. So, Amy gives him a kiss real quick and the Doctor boots his ass out the door and fries in fire of the star, then Amy and the Doctor leave and go do cool shit without me wanting to murder someone on screen.

Cathy: DO IT!

Cathy: Hahahahahahahaah

Cathy: Oh god

Casey: To add to the punishment, that's like..not even the story. That's just some shit they do on the way. Like...basically a stop at 7-11 for Slurpies with a side of KICKING THAT FUCKING PRICK INTO A HELLFIRE OF PAIN AND OBLIVION!

Cathy: hahahah! Awwwwwwwww... Poor Rory.

Casey: What do you mean "Poor Rory?" He's going to die. In the Sun...and no one will care to remember. They move on to the next cool aliens. There's nothing bad about that scenario at all. Certainly not for him.

Casey: He's not intelligent life. It's like the TARDIS flying through space and a bug splats on the Police sign. No one cares about a bug.

Cathy: But... I... I don't mind Rory... *cowards down*

Casey: He literally adds nothing to the show except for the fact they don't want another Rose situation. He's only there because they don't want the viewers to think that the second hottest companion is going to fall in love with the second hottest Doctor. That's his entire reason for being.

Casey: He doesn't need to be comic relief because the Doctor can do that a-plenty. He's certainly not heroic. He's not a sympathetic character. He's...a fucking stage prop.

Casey: If they had Amy running around in a chastity belt, that would serve the same purpose of showing her and the Doc aren't going to literally "Fuck up space and time"

Casey: You wanna play the whole River Song card? Her being so important. Have them run into
Captain Jack again...even though he's gay, he's...still virile. A one-nighter with an unkillable dude in the TARDIS...make Time Lord baby...Everybody loves Captain Jack...

Cathy: hahaahhaahah

Casey: There. I fixed Doctor Who. Now where the fuck is the BBC with my royalty check?!?

Cathy: yeah, get all up in their grill for that

Casey: I don't see how THAT many people would be mad about retconning Rory into oblivion...

Casey: Or fuck...I don't care...have Amy and the Doctor post a note on the door of the TARDIS with, "If the booth is a rockin' don't come in cause this bitch is wiiiiillllllllddddddd!" Play the whole Rose card again. But...this time without the whole tragedy thing and making me cry for 3 more seasons before I get happy again.

Cathy: hahahahaha

Casey: Better yet! Even better idea...way better idea...

Cathy: oh?

Casey: Take the whole Doctor Donna thing from the last season of Tennant. You don't know it, but she was basically half Time Lord, half human. Retcon THAT SHIT, dump that into Amy...But have her hybrid thingy be stable..then her and the Doctor get all super nasty...

Casey: Oh wait...that fucks up the River thing...

Casey: Okay...we still use Captain Jack..they have a fight...or he abandons her for another 10 years like he's use to doing...she bangs him up and down, has a kid, Doctor comes back...Time Lord baby...

Casey: Yes...that will do nicely. Except...then the Doctor would be banging the Mom and the daughter.....

Casey: Little awkward I admit...but, makes things hella dramatic, right?

Cathy: That is sure. i will give you that.

Casey: THERE!

Casey: Now, I have officially fixed Doctor Who.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Abuse And Why I Won't Be Sleeping Tonight

A view a few days ago has surfaced on the Internet of a 16 year old girl being mericiliously beaten by her father and mother over downloading some video games that were no longer for sale and music that was no longer in print. The video is from 2004. The victim of the video is the new 23 year old Hilary Adams. Daughter to Arkansas County Family Judge William Adams.

William Adams has had a long history of lackluster sentencing in cases involving child abuse. Many cases being outright dismissed due to lack of video evidence of the incident.

Hilary Adams is affected with Ataxic Cerebral Paulsey. A form of Paulsey that affects motor skills and has a mental affect of drawing the sufferer into technological pursuits.

I'm going to link you to the video now. The video shows "His Honor" and his mentally abused and brainwashed wife beating their daughter for seven and a half minutes with a belt, long after she was crying and screaming for it to stop. Please be aware, it is graphic and highly disturbing.

I came across this video about an hour ago. As in November 2nd, 2011 at around 7PM MDT. Since watching it, I've been overcome with such grief and despair. Growing up in an abusive household myself, seeing something so horrific and life destroying from another's perspective has just shattered my emotions.

While not personally receiving any of the physical abuse, my Mother was the one that did. She got hit and knocked over, pushed through tables, thrown through doors, thrown down stairs and so many other horrible things that I can't help but remember. Many of those beatings she took because her husband was mad at me. Because of some failing he believed I had and my poor Mother was the one that took the beatings so I didn't have to. To this day, I still have no idea why that "man" never did anything to me physically. Perhaps lording his control and power over his wife was enough for his pathetic mind to make him happy.

The long, nearly countless nights I had to lie awake in bed, through paper thin walls listening to that drunken man croon on and on about how worthless my Mother and I were. Telling me I was a waste of skin, saying they'd both be better off if I was never born. So many terrible things.

The man in this video is a Judge of 10 years of the court of law in Texas, presiding over cases of family; including child abuse. I'm scared to death that all his law buddies will pad and pander around every corner possible and this man will get nothing more than a suspension with pay.

Any people that abuse their children or their significant others, you don't deserve to breathe my air. I hope you all get hit by a bus and live, suffering in a hospital bed for the end of your days. You have no idea how much beatings and mental abuse hurt someone. You don't deserve to be called human or even an animal. Even the more ferocious animals don't act in such disgusting ways. If you've ever hit your child like this, do us all a favor and step off a tall building and rid the world of virus' like you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

America Disgusts Me Yet Again

Today is the day I have never been more ashamed, saddened and downright disgusted by the state of our government.

An issue I wish I had followed more closely, one that is so ridiculously important and a complete slam dunk in any person with even the most remote sense of morality, is going to be stymied today because of bi-partisan idiocy. There is a bill on the floor of the Senate today, December 22, 2010 that would provide $6.2 billion in aid to first-responders to the horrific attack on September 11, 2001.

I watched nearly two hours of video of these brave men and women speaking about their efforts to save and rescue as many people as possible. People that were speaking through vocoder voice synthesizers because of severe lung and throat cancers. People with missing limbs due to falling debris during the efforts. Many many others who aren't so disfigured but still suffer from terrible cancers, asthma, blindness and several other terrible ailments. These people risked everything they had to help the victims of that senseless crime. How are they being repaid for their efforts? Nine years of no governmental help. Many losing their jobs and not collecting workman's compensation, endless roadblocks put in place by insurance companies, astronomical medical bills or downright being unable to receive treatment and being left in a bed to die.

The bill in Senate today has enough votes to pass. A bill that will provide a large sum of money to help these heroic people. However, it's looking to be blocked and prevented from going to vote by just one man. Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. He has vowed to block this bill in any and all ways from getting to vote today. His reasoning being that it wasn't brought through proper committee votes and amendments. That we haven't had enough time to look through everything. That it's a democratic tactic to get some legislation pushed through before Congress decides to take two weeks off due to the holidays.

The fact of the matter is this: These people have been dying since a year or two after the attack. These aren't new problems and this bill isn't some new stack of papers to suddenly show up on Congress' desk. This has been in the works for years. Now this man wishes to push back the vote until after the holidays have concluded and the new Congress has been brought in. Sadly, it isn't because there is bad language in the bill, (There isn't. It closes a corporate loophole that will lose some billionaires a couple bucks) it's because there has become some insane necessity in our government to absolutely, no matter what, go against any legislation that the other side brings forth. Some have decent arguments, and some are just ridiculous positioning tactics. This one, however, is the biggest slam dunk vote that Congress has had in at least two decades.

I can't believe the kind of thoughts that go through a person's head, knowing how all these true American heroes are suffering and can actually, with a straight face, out and try to delay something that is needed so badly.

This is the last straw in an endless haystack that has made my blood boil over the last ten years. People in the government no longer wants what is best for their citizens and their country. They want to work solely for themselves and their party and gain and use any amount of power they can. It's disgusting.

I no longer want to be apart of this country anymore. If I had the ability to leave, I would in a heartbeat. If I had the money to pick up and go to Canada or England or wherever the hell else, I would start packing after I push "publish" on this post.

It is completely horrifying that people in this country are so partisan, that they can't get the most humanitarian bill proposed in decades passed. This hurts no one and only helps.

I'm not proofreading this. It needs to be posted as is.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I believe this is what they in the Internet business would be called getting Pwnd! April Fools Day chumps! Muahahahaha!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Think of the Future, Just Don't Forget Your Present.

The idea of God has been intriguing me a lot in the last ten years or so. I like to read and study people's perspective of God, what powers he has (or lacks) and what he personally does for people's lives. People's perception of the events that happen in their lives is also endlessly interesting. Something wonderful happens, God was watching over you. Something bad happens, he has a plan for you. Or he's testing you.

The “use” of their God also interests me. Some people pray that they won't run out of gas, or that they won't be late for work. Some people pray to fix their crummy lives with his divine power. Some say you shouldn't ask anything of God and just praise him and thank him for the fortunes you have been given. And still others merely ask for the strength to endure his arduous trials.

Those aside, where my real interest lies is in the complete devotion of this one super natural being. The strength, vigor and complete faith and worship of something that no one in the entire world can be completely sure of, is one of the most incredible things about human nature. Their entire perspective, their views on the world, the way they treat people or how they feel about people. All these things can be directly related to a holy figure they learned about during their life. Some people so devoted and so passionate that they create entire groups of people to watchdog and protest anything that might criticize their faith. When in fact, if that particular person had happened to be born in India, they'd be worshiping completely different Gods and still be fully convinced of their correctness.

According to the Christian God, your life is a test. You are born full of sin, despite never doing anything wrong yourself, and you must devote your life to praising Jesus and 100% committing that he is your savior. You live your life to the best of your ability, to a set of rules passed down from the ages. You are told if you follow these rules and live a good life, you'll be sent to paradise. Complete happiness and love for the rest of eternity. However, if you turn from this path, embrace feelings of your own or of another spiritual being, you are to be punished with eternal pain and suffering in a pit of fire.

There in lies the problem I have with the Christian religion. I don't like the thought of my existence; my entire life on this world being nothing but a test for something terrific, or possibly horrible later. It makes the entire journey of your life seem utterly meaningless. You follow a strict set of rules, spend every Sunday in church, listening to the same passages from the Bible you've heard a hundred times, for your entire life, on the chance that this God is real and you'll be avoiding eternal damnation. The way it sounds to me is a lot of people aren't living good Christian lives because it's the right thing to do. It seems a lot do it purely for the fact that they don't wish to be tortured until the end of time. This seems like a very poor approach when giving your entire life to something.

I suppose you can call me an Atheist or whatever. I personally don't believe in any kind of super natural being from any religion. However, I do respect people's devotion to it. The faith that people have in something they are so sure is real. It's the kind of faith I wish I had; to feel like there is someone I can't see, watching over me and guiding me down the path that was chosen for me. However, I don't have that faith. I've tried it and I can't have it. Sure, I could claim Jesus as my savior, but I'd know I didn't believe it. If God does exist, I'm sure he'd find more blasphemy in that falsehood than he would in my lack of belief.

I guess the overall picture I'm trying to portray here is, strive for the afterlife that you hope to find. Just don't forget about the one you have right here. If God is all knowing and all powerful, I'm sure he'll realize your devotion to Jesus would still be as strong if you let yourself get angry with a neighbor or have a few too many pieces of the chocolate cake you made for your friend's birthday. Think of your future, but don't forget about your present.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Get a Sense of Humor Already!

Very recently, I was talking to some friends and made a stupid joke. The type I make on a near constant basis and one of the people listening found the joke to be offensive and quickly told me it wasn't funny. The joke was something about blaming alcohol for anything wrong you ever do. I stated that I got out of three arson cases and a kidnapping using that defense. My reasoning leads me to believe that one of those two subjects is a sensitive one for that person. Which leads me to say...

Get a damn sense of humor already! There is no subject in the entire world that should be off limits to humor or comedy. There are some truly terrible things that happen in this world. If all you do is brood in the bad things that have happened to you, you stay locked in that moment for your entire life. You need to learn to lighten up and not relate any particular mention of a subject to your life and immediately become defensive when it comes up.

My Father is dead. A frequent joke back and forth with a friend of mine is for me to crack a silly joke about her, and her trump card is, "So what? Your Dad is dead." Do I find that offensive or hurtful at all? Absolutely not. Because I've made peace with that fact and I can take myself out of the tragedy of the experience and channel it into a fun conversation with my friend.

I was abused as a child. Perhaps not physically, but in every other way that you can be. However, I've also made peace with that a long time ago and have no problems making silly jokes about beating up my friends or putting their screaming babies into a cat carrier. And they take no offense to it, because they know it's a joke and something I would never do.

Please try and disassociate yourself from trigger words of bad things that have happened to you or someone you care about. Don't punish yourself and live in agony over one particular subject that might come up at any point in the future.

In the immortal words of Christopher Titus (and probably many many others): "Climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and get over it."

Sorry for the depressing post. I'm working on some really funny stuff that should be up in a couple days. Well, at least I find it funny. You all will probably hate it. But oh well. As long as you read it, I still get page views which boosts my mediocre ego semi-higher.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

MAC Vs. PC War Settled

They basically do the exact same shit. Buy whichever one you like better. War=Over. Thank you.