Monday, November 2, 2009


No, it isn't the title to the latest movie about robots taking over the world. It's National Novel Writing Month! I found out about this wonderful organization only yesterday morning. And, as fate would have it, novel writing month is November!

I've never substantially written anything before. The most I've ever written was about eight pages. And now, I'm trying to force myself to write a story that will eclipse 50,000 words. Daunting task it is. I really want to do it. I want to be able to see if I can actually make myself accomplish something so big. To really see what I am capable of. So, I've dived in. No preparation. No outlines. No notes or characters. Just an idea. From what I've read of the forums, that's how many people do it.

Jen told me to use "stream of consciousness." A term that implies you just write the first thing that pops into your head. Some terrific novels in the past have been written this way so we'll just go with that.

I am not a good writer. I know this. But, one of the biggest things about this organization is quantity over quality. One of their slogans is "November is for writing. December is for revision." I'm trying to take that to heart. I'm trying not to edit myself. Just trying to get to that 50k mark.

So, first update. Day 2 at 11:23am. 1950 words. I need another 1300 before the end of today.

To make 50,000, you have to write 1667 words per day. I was about 200 shy of that goal before I went to bed last night. I'll try and pick up the slack today.

For my two readers, you should try this! See what you are really capable of doing, regardless if you are a good writer or not.

NaNoWriMo official website!

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