Monday, March 1, 2010

Tolerance Isn't Enough

I just finished watching a Youtube video from my favorite people. During which they were having a birthday party for one of their friends. Two of the people were trying to do a super hard high five while they were filming. A black guy walks through the shot and one of the high fivers said something to the effect of "It's bad luck when a black guy crosses your path!" Everyone gets a big laugh including the guy who walked past and yelled back "Watch where you're swinging that Jew nose Kassem!" Everyone laughed their asses off, including myself.

To any of you that think either of those statements are racist, you are so completely wrong. That is exactly what we as a society should be evolving into. Poking fun at ourselves like that in the company of mixed races and no one's feelings getting hurt is fantastic.

Tolerance was taught to me in school. You don't have to like someone that is different than you, but you need to respect their differences. That is just not enough. Embracing those differences is what is really going to make the human race fully progressive and actually eliminate racism, sexism or any other kind of prejudice. Everyone walking around and pretending like we are all the same is narrow minded and completely counter-productive.

These two friends were able to poke fun at themselves because of their differences and had a big laugh doing so. People need to get past all these insecurities and programming that has been given since...well, forever.

I'm not saying every joke needs to involve race or gender or sexuality. But it shouldn't be something we should have to shy away from either. Humanity should have evolved past things like this by now.


  1. I agree but don't think this is the way to break out of social programming. Thinking of each other in racial terms is a relatively new thing. Race as concept was purposely designed to justify inequality. When you tolerate jokes like this you're not being progressive you are engaging in extremely flawed forms of critical thinking. The end result may not be jews in gas chambers or blacks on slave ships but the mechanism of thought is the same. The progressive thing is recoginzing the fact that outside social constructions we are fundamentally the same.

  2. I agree with both of you in ways. I think the key word in the last part of Tim's comment is "fundamentally."
