Saturday, July 24, 2010

Get a Sense of Humor Already!

Very recently, I was talking to some friends and made a stupid joke. The type I make on a near constant basis and one of the people listening found the joke to be offensive and quickly told me it wasn't funny. The joke was something about blaming alcohol for anything wrong you ever do. I stated that I got out of three arson cases and a kidnapping using that defense. My reasoning leads me to believe that one of those two subjects is a sensitive one for that person. Which leads me to say...

Get a damn sense of humor already! There is no subject in the entire world that should be off limits to humor or comedy. There are some truly terrible things that happen in this world. If all you do is brood in the bad things that have happened to you, you stay locked in that moment for your entire life. You need to learn to lighten up and not relate any particular mention of a subject to your life and immediately become defensive when it comes up.

My Father is dead. A frequent joke back and forth with a friend of mine is for me to crack a silly joke about her, and her trump card is, "So what? Your Dad is dead." Do I find that offensive or hurtful at all? Absolutely not. Because I've made peace with that fact and I can take myself out of the tragedy of the experience and channel it into a fun conversation with my friend.

I was abused as a child. Perhaps not physically, but in every other way that you can be. However, I've also made peace with that a long time ago and have no problems making silly jokes about beating up my friends or putting their screaming babies into a cat carrier. And they take no offense to it, because they know it's a joke and something I would never do.

Please try and disassociate yourself from trigger words of bad things that have happened to you or someone you care about. Don't punish yourself and live in agony over one particular subject that might come up at any point in the future.

In the immortal words of Christopher Titus (and probably many many others): "Climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and get over it."

Sorry for the depressing post. I'm working on some really funny stuff that should be up in a couple days. Well, at least I find it funny. You all will probably hate it. But oh well. As long as you read it, I still get page views which boosts my mediocre ego semi-higher.

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