Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fannin Eleven

This is going to be a really odd post for me I think. You all are probably going to think I've lost my mind or have finally gone off that deep end you all have seen coming for years now. But I assure you, I'm quite sane (relatively speaking) and whoever reads this thing needs to check out this family. I posted a link to their Youtube channel a long time ago, but I doubt anyone really looked at them. So, the point of this post is to try and show how wonderful these people really are.

Fannin Eleven are a family of 11 brothers and sisters that are very musical. They all sing and most play an instrument of some kind. They have a Youtube channel where they get their family together and sing popular songs. But this isn't just some cheesey group cover they do. The rearrange and cover the songs, making them their own. A number of their videos are full acapella and (in my opinion) are the best ones. Just listening to the harmonies in their voices, the strong leads they have sing the verses, it's just incredible.

The audio quality in the videos isn't that great. It isn't terrible but definitely not great. And for me, this is a terrific thing. When they sing, they sing to the microphone on the camera they use to record and I love it. If they had studio/professional sound, I think some of the magic would be lost by their songs. It has an amateur-ish quality to the sound that really makes it feel real. It's all done in real time. No punch ins (with the exception of the Jason Mraz song. They split it up between the family) and no fancy editing or filter work is done. It's just raw, pure singing of this family sitting around the kitchen table. It's just magical watching a family this close do something so creative and so wonderful.

However, the greatness of these videos doesn't just stop at the singing. The videos themselves are fantastic as well. They very well could just show themselves sitting around the kitchen table and singing and I would be happy as hell. But that isn't what they do. Mixed in with showing them all singing, there are always clips of the family doing some activity together. Whether it be playing Wii or DDR, a hilarious session of them biting into lemons and limes and watching their reactions, to just old family photos or video. The videos are inviting and wonderful and everytime you see one, you wish you were apart of the family.

So, basically what I am saying is....all of my readers, you need to check out this family. Give a song or two a listen and I'm quite confident you'll find the happy and joy that I do whenever I watch one of their videos.

Sorry, even though I've been interneting forever and a day, I still have no clue how to make clicky links. Please just copy and paste into your browser. Sorry I suck!

1 comment:

  1. The Fannins are a truly talented bunch. It's in their blood and they were also brought up to love music. I'm sure they are wonderful company, with those wholesome Midwest values. Places like the town they live in are almost stopped in time, and seeing this family as a product of that gives you hope that the whole country isn't quite corrupted yet. I wish them much success and I hope they continue to share their love affair with music with the world.
