Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Love Vicodin Land!

As many of my Facebook friends know already, I recently busted up my arm pretty well. The first few days were unbearable. Dealing with the workman's comp. has not been the most enjoyable either. But, my silly hippie doctor (more on him in a moment) finally gave me some Vicodin and it's helping greatly with the pain. Dancing on clouds almost!

Back in my druggie days, I'd love getting Vicodin and then smoking some pot and drinking a beer if I was able. Puts you in total lala land. I haven't taken this stuff recreationally for years and years now, and I suppose I'm still not. I'm taking them because my damn arm hurts. But, I can't say that I really don't mind the opiate buzz. Kinda fun!

Anyway. Hippie Doctor. This guy was completely nuts. He spent 60% of my examination, talking about the evils and lies of the pharmaceutical companies. While I completely agree with this assessment, I still wanted my god damn drugs. Yes, the companies jack up prices to make ridiculous amounts of money...yes they do shifty and not so ethical business, but damn it, I actually don't have to pay for this stuff this time, and...their shit works.

He suggested some hippie, herbal stuff that's been used for "Hundreds of years," and gave me a free bottle. That's well and fine. I've never been much for herbal remedies when a chemical can for sure do the job. I'll try the stuff if I need it. Oh well.

Another 30% of the examination, was him trying to teach my best friend Jenna about medical stuff. Which, is also fine. You need to pass knowledge onto the next generation. However, my arm can't move and I hurt like hell.

As you can guess...the last 10% was my actual examination where, although being way too political with his patients, he did diagnose me correctly without x-rays being taken. So...overall...hippie doc wins.

This blog has no structure. Has no topic. I'm going to rant about crap that is on my mind. Hope all two of my readers can enjoy my brain goo.

Peace out girl scout.

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