Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vampires Have Gotten Gay

Okay. I realize this topic has been beat to death by countless other people. But, I just couldn't help but rant. Vampires have become more gay than Ryan Seacrest. I recognize the notion that there is a certain romance in the whole vampire idea. Only out at night. Feasting off the living to sustain themselves. It's a rather sexy idea. But, with the popularization of Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and True Blood, vampires are some hella gay shit.

I remember when I was a kid. Things like Bram Stoker's Dracula, the countless bad 80's vampire movies, The Lost Boys, Blade and others. That's when vampires were bad ass! Us petty little humans were nothing but lunch. Chew those little bastards up. That's what vampires should be.
Vampires should not be 17 year old boys, with terrible bed head, walking around talking about their feelings and restraining their need to feed. If I was Edward Cullen, I'd have eaten that annoying looking Bella bitch in the first five minutes of the movie. Go find some hot vampire skank that you want to bang. I'm sure you can.

When this whole lame ass vampire craze is over, Hollywood will probably try to gay up...umm...zombies or some crap. Some handsome kid, gets bitten by a zombie, turns into a zombie, finds a fugly girl, tries to bite her, stops, falls in love with her, and then we are left with two hours of wasted time and a pathetic ending. Hollywood. Large check for story idea for your next piece of shit movie. Thank you.

Word to your Mothers.

1 comment:

  1. wow Casey... all to true. Even though I love the Twilight (books), Hollywood should butt out and leave movie vamps to their "lunch". Vampires are a common fantasy, and fantasies should not be generalized with a soul individual, such as an actor playing a role as a vampire.
